Wednesday, 20 March 2013

How to beat the Easter Chocolate Crave!

The countdown is on! Easter eggs have taken over the supermarket isles and children are counting the sleeps until the Easter Bunny pays them a visit! With any holiday, most people associate it with glucose gluttony and health experts are urging Australians to think about Easter treats in terms of exercise rather than eggs. It's not just the chocolate that we eat over Easter that keeps us from achieving our healthy weight, so I'm not going to rant about the calories in chocolate or the amount of exercise we all need to do to burn off a hot-cross bun. You guys are smarter than that. You don't need warnings about the perils of chocolate and junk food. It's not going to help you with your weight-loss goals. 

I must say though, isn’t it convenient that Easter falls 12 weeks after our New Year's resolutions, which is why it's a good a time to sit down and reflect upon your goals. Evaluate your eating habits over the week. It's what we do day in and day out that really counts the most.

It is also a long weekend, one that provides us with quality time to spend with family and friends doing what we love, for many it also brings with it stress and worry about how you are going to resist the temptation with all those treats screaming “just eat me!”

I really don't want you all to think about the junk food over the weekend, so I  have put together some tips to get you through this long weekend and to keep you on track:-
  1. Plan your meals and snacks for the long weekend so you know what you are going to eat. Choose healthy options you LOVE. Prepare plenty of yummy healthy treats by using your allowances to make something delicious so you are not tempted. Those already on Cohen's will find treats in your recipe book.
  2. Drink plenty of water! Water will help flush out toxins, help you feel fuller, you will be hydrated and have more energy.
  3. How about instead of eating the chocolate or that hot cross bun, you arrange a fun Easter egg hunt, or boil some eggs and have fun with the family colouring them.
  4. Brush your teeth when you get that craving; it will quash the appetite of even the most dedicated sweet tooth.
  5. Take chromium (sugar balance by Blackmores is a good one)
  6. Keep your goals in check.  Remind yourself that it really isn’t worth it – you’ve come so far since you set your goal to lose weight!
  7. Enjoy the time with your family and friends.
Easter is the one time of year where size does matter and I am really encouraging you all to choose wisely!


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